Lumpia With A Vengeance
The producers of an upcoming indie movie titled Lumpia With A Vengeance originally reached out to me to create some fan art for their social media campaign. After watching the trailer, I fell in love with one of the antagonists, Jemini. The movie utilizes comic book style effects, so I aimed to mimic that theme in the fan art.
Pin-Up & Cover Art
Upon completion, I was asked to participate as a guest on night 4 of Lumpia Con, where this piece was featured as a pin-up to be included in the fully-funded KickStarter comic book prequel to the movie. It was then that the actress playing Jemini was on screen as well, so I enjoyed seeing the comparison between what I drew and the actual person.
Original promotional fan art
The KickStarter for the comic had goals unlocked for extra pages to be added to the comic. To make room for more story-driven content, the fan art moved on from being just a pin-up insert to being a metallic variant cover that backers could preorder instead. At this point I was given more information about her official character design guidelines. I changed the tone of her glasses to match the official depictions of Jemini that weren’t live-action film. I then flipped the character’s torso and head to account for the boxes that would have overlapped the face too much. The background was also changed to match the duality theme that the editor and producer wanted emphasized.
Comic Pages
I was asked to contribute full color pages to the KickStarted comic book, which entailed the first half of the Jemini origin story and the origin story of one of the antagonist’s side characters. I was given the scripts and worked with the writer and editor of both of these stories, which included making and exchanging notes on the thumbnails before proceeding to colour. The text and speech bubbles were to be added by a separate team.
J Is For Jemma
Jemma’s character was described as a dorky kid who grew up to be a bombshell of a woman, using her charm to get what she wants and a yoyo as a weapon. The editor planned to have a second artist jump in for the remaining second half of the story, which would start with the other half of the Jemma character doing the Rock the Baby yoyo trick on page 2. I grew up playing with yoyos and currently have a small collection going, so this story was particularly fun to work on.
The Life Of Bob
Bob, whose real name is Baljeet, grew up as a bright kid with a promising future in India, who then left to pursue better opportunities in the US and subsequently struggled to succeed. The writer and editor originally saw his story framed like vintage American advertisements that would become more modern until ultimately being framed as a present day seminar brochure - at which point he meets one of the other movie’s antagonists.